Fondation Asile Des Aveugles — What if myopia in young people was addressed earlier?
Mangas for an eye-catching campaign
The Fondation Asile Des Aveugles is a Swiss and European foundation that works around vision and health. Their mission? To reduce blindness in the world.
After several years of prior collaborations, the Fondation Asile Des Aveugles returned with their biggest project yet.
The organisation wanted to launch a communication campaign raising awareness about myopia (short-sightedness) in young people aged 7 to 14. Of course, we couldn’t wait to help out.

Young people might not be super interested in eye-care, and with a large age gap between 7 and 14, we really had to rack our brains to find an angle that would appeal to the whole audience. Together with Fondation Asile des Aveugles we decided to focus on 12 to 14 year olds, as they would also have an influence on the habits of those younger.

To reach through to the audience, we had to look through their eyes. As it turns out, kids love manga and anime more than ever – and many of our illustrators do too. We designed a dynamic visual style that recreated a manga vibe that would appeal to the audience.
A colourful, pop visual universe = a real eye-catcher! We played with colour saturation and graphic mixing to create videos, social media posts and posters for public spaces. This unique style made sure that Fondation Asile des Aveugles would be instantly recognisable. The variety of formats also meant that the campaign would be easy to find for young people.
Like a lens, our job was to help them make their message clearer for everyone. The posters highlighted tips to avoid developing short-sightedness. This was accompanied by a 30-second video, designed to save the eyesight of the next generation. The text was also written in rhyme in order to maximise the retention of information in the memory of a younger audience.
Now Fondation Asile des Aveugles has a strong communication weapon in their fight against myopia in youngsters. They were extremely proud of the result of the collaboration, spreading it all across social media.