Giant live fresco
A larger-than-life experience

What is a giant live fresco?
A large-scale fresco, created live during your event, is both an experience and a take-away.
During a live fresco drawing session, illustrators bring key ideas and concepts to life in a fun and participative manner, helping you get messages across while entertaining participants.
The icing on the cake: your fresco lives on once the live drawing session is over, either as a permanent work of art or in a digitised format for online communication.

Why do you need a giant live fresco?
Live drawing is an original tool for animating workshops, conferences or other events such as project launches or brainstorming sessions.
Live fresco drawing uses the power of art to captivate the mind. At the same time, it puts into practice what any school teacher knows: to get your audience engaged, you need to get it involved.

What will a giant live fresco look like?
A giant fresco is used to fill a temporary or permanent white space such as a whiteboard or a wall to visualise concepts. During a live drawing session, the fresco is created in real-time in a way that adds value to the event proceedings – by explaining what’s being said, creating interactivity with the audience, or simply as a creative element that helps key concepts be made concrete or fun and therefore memorised.
Before the live session, the concepts to be visualised as well as the timeframe and visual style are established together by you, the project team and the artists.
During the session, illustrators can interact with a live audience or receive input through online channels such as a Facebook page.
The audience can also be called on to take part in drawing the fresco itself.
The live session can be recorded and used to create a timelapse video.
The fresco itself can live on as a mural or through wide online distribution on social media channels, helping spread the messages from the live event.