3D animation videos
Space to draw your audience in

What are 3D animation videos?
3D animation makes your video feel real by creating an illusion of depth and reality.
It uses models to create representations of objects which move through three-dimensional space the way real-life objects would.
It’s the Rolls-Royce among animation techniques. More costly and time-consuming than its two-dimensional cousins, 3D videos are sure to make a splash if used right.
3D animation techniques can also be combined with more traditional techniques using overlays for targeted use of this advanced animation style.

Why do you 3D animation videos?
If you want it to look real but can’t show it, 3D is a great choice. For instance, a 360° video is the best way of showcasing a new office layout or living space before it’s been built.
3D animation enables you to create a small-scale virtual world where you can bring your vision to life and share it, not just metaphorically.
By adding depth to the graphic universe, 3D and virtual reality effects can bring added value, if only for the exciting visual effect: if it looks good, so will your brand.

What will 3D animation look like?
3D – that’s the stuff that looks real because it has all those little details that create a real-world look and feel – texture, lighting, layering.
Typically, a 3D video will imitate live-action techniques by enabling the viewer to visualise objects from different angles, move around in the virtual space or switch from one perspective to the next.
A good 3D animation video will make sure that all these options are used in a relevant manner – not just because you can. Our professional 3D animation studio can help you use this technique to full effect.
Tips for a successful 3D animation video
Here’s some free expert advice for your 3D animation video:
- Use the space you create. Cater to the viewers’ curiosity: if you create a virtual universe for them, however small, make sure you let them explore it – let them turn the corner, open the door, gaze up at the sky or ceiling.
- Pay attention to details. The more you invest in details, the more realistic your video will feel – and that’s sure to pay off. This includes things such as texture which bring your virtual ‘world’ to life, but also decor elements and characters that can add a real-life touch.
Contact Cartoonbase for more advice tailored to your needs and 3D animation outsourcing.