Live-action videos
The power of reality

What is live-action video?
Live-action features footage and real performers, as opposed to animation.
What’s the best way to give insights into the amazing work you do? The answer is in the question: let your audience literally get a good look inside. Live-action videos enable you to do just that.
With original footage, you can give the floor to your team, showcase your product or let happy clients sing your praise – all of it without requiring your target audience to put any effort in.
Live-action videos with actors and a script use a different technique, but the same mechanism: we are intrigued and inspired by watching people play out situations and stories.
Either way, you will be making use of the best tool available to communicators on- and off-screen: the human face.

Why do you need live-action video?
Use live-action videos to show rather than tell, and to make it easy for your audience to find out about your work.
If you are launching a product, reporting on or live streaming an event, or presenting your team – think of bringing our camera team on board.
Our video crew is also a partner of choice to help you write and shoot that creative video translating your brand message into an inspirational ad.

What will live-action video look like?
Live-action can take on many different forms: there are numerous styles and concepts to choose from. To pick the right one for you, imagine your live-action video was a TV programme:
- documentary-style: featuring experts or staff facing the screen, or talking to an interviewer off-camera
- news-style: following a live event such as a conference or a competition
- reality TV-style: featuring, for instance, user-generated content or improvisation
- movie-style: using actors and a script
Of course, these are just a few analogies to help stimulate your imagination. In practice, the format will be fine-tuned and adapted to the platform(s) you’ll be using (website, social,…). Cartoonbase’s experts can help you develop the live-action concept that is right for you.
Tips for a successful live action video
Whatever your preference in terms of look and feel, here are some aspects to be considered before producing your live-action video:
- Choose the format based on your resources: this is not primarily a question of budget. Do you have experts with good camera skills? Do you have a fanbase that will generate content if you inspire them with a good idea? How photogenic is your event venue?
Taking stock of your available assets will help you choose the right format. We are there to help with this. - Mix it up. You don’t need mindblowing original footage for each second of video – expert interviews can be complemented with stock footage, infographics or animation. Find out more on mixed media videos
- Diversity is key. Whether your video features staff interviews or actors, the diversity of the teams shown on-screen highlights your values. Studies confirm that audiences are increasingly aware of this aspect and react positively to campaigns breaking with traditional advertising standards.